Do you sing, dance and love being in the limelight? Is acting your passion or would you rather be helping backstage? Scaring guests within an escape room? Or being a beautiful maid or handsome host in a maid and host cafe?
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
Is sales where you thrive? Sewing? Crafting? Composing?
There is a place for you within Neko Squared!
Neko Squared is a fun group that volunteers at anime/comic conventions to bring interactive entertainment and/or provide a safe place for con-goers to unwind as well as be themselves.
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
Want to join us as a member of our lucky 13th generation? Answer these questions below and you just might! Send all completed applications to [email protected] .
- Introduce yourself, who are you?
- Are you 17 or older?
- What city and state are you from?
- What interests you about Neko Squared? Why do you want to join us?
- What do you think you can bring to Neko Squared? What are some of your redeeming qualities that will separate you from the other members? We’re obviously not looking for all of our members to be clones; we want everyone’s personality to shine through so we can all have fun being ourselves!
- Have you ever performed before? If you have, where and when? Even if it was your school play in second grade. If you haven’t performed, do you think you would be comfortable performing on stage?
- Neko Squared can be demanding (but fun!) at times, especially right before an event, so maids and hosts are expected to abide by our policy of exclusivity (meaning you can only be a maid/host/performer/backstage for NekoNeko, not other cafes/clubs/direct competitors) to lessen the strain of learning performance material for another maid show and to prevent a conflict of interests. Say, hypothetically, we accept you as one of our maids/hosts, however one of your friends sees that auditions for another maid cafe have opened a few months after ours have closed and she wants you to audition with her. How would you handle this situation?
- While it is possible to earn commissions and tips, do you understand and accept that everyone (from trainee and up to the owner herself) is a volunteer and therefore unpaid? (Acting positions within 3-4 act theatrical productions being the only exception)
- Anything else you would like to say to us, feel free to say it here! After all, we’re trying to get to know you! Be sure to mention which departments within the group interest you most. [Backstage, Sewing/Crafting, Maid/Host, Escape Room/Theater Acting, Sales/Promotion]
**A short video monologue (20 seconds – 90 seconds) is required for all Escape Room/Theater applicants.**
*Note: If you are a maid cafe applicant and not answering these questions on video (.mp4, avi, or mpg format) please be sure to submit two photos along with your typed out answers; one photo should be from your shoulders to the top of your head (bust) and the next from your feet to the top of your head (full length).
Be sure to wear something you feel happy, confident and comfortable in– these photos are in part to help paint a picture of your overall vibe. If you are sending in a video then as long as we can see you clearly and at least your shoulders and face are fully in frame then you are good.*